
It’s All A Matter Of Perception

I like to keep this quote in mind when working with Clients. Clients come in with all degrees of guilt and shame over choices they have made. If I can help reframe their negative self-talk so that they don’t see their wounds as disasters in their soul, it opens up a crack their hearts, and […]


Happiness Doesn’t Always Come Knocking At Your Door

You have to participate relentlessly in creating your own happiness. Work it! You are worth the effort. Lotus Flower Photo


Synchronicity: Not Just A SAT Word.

Sometimes the world nudges you; whispers a little reminder of the truths you hold in your heart of hearts. While I adore the humor of the sarcasm behind this user card from someecards, I am grateful for the reminder that I actually still believe in Prince Charming. I embrace synchronicity and look forward, with anticipation, […]



We have evolved into a fast-paced society. Have a head-ache: take a pill; Hungry:get fast-food; out of style: upgrade-everything faster, faster, faster. Sometimes, if we are not careful, these attitudes can affect our relationships. Media sells us perfection, and, being human, we often fall short. Marriages that endure, have partners that commit to stay put. […]

Younger Self Post

Letter To My Younger Self

What letter would you have written to your younger self if you had the power to reach back in time from the future? What reassurances would you share with your younger self? I would have written: Dear Younger Abby: Thank you for having the courage to follow your dreams rather than the crowd. Some day […]


Everyone Plays A Piece

There are are times when you might feel aimless You can’t see the places where you belong But you will find that there is a purpose It’s been there within you all along and when you’re near it You can almost hear it. [Chorus:] It’s like a symphony just keep listenin’ And pretty soon you’ll […]